PRQA - What does PRQA stand for? The Free Dictionary

2 days ago · Integrates PRQA static analysis with Jenkins. Programming research plugin. This plugin is designed to be used together with Programming Research analysis tools. MISRA C and MISRA C++ — Coding Standards For … 2 days ago · MISRA is made up of manufacturers, component suppliers, and engineering consultancies. Experts from Perforce’s static code analysis team (formerly PRQA) are members of MISRA, too. MISRA first developed coding guidelines in 1998. These were specific to the C programming language. Since then, MISRA has added a coding standard for C++. PRQA Plugin - Jenkins - Jenkins Wiki PRQA Jenkins Plug-in support Jenkins version up to 2.107.2. Features. This plug-in allows source code to be analyzed with QA·C or QA·C++, PRQA’s static analysis tools. The plug-in performs the following key tasks in the post-build stage automatically: Analyzes a PRQA project – optionally including dataflow and cross module analysis.

2012-3-16 · PRQA_计算机软件及应用_IT/计算机_专业资料 2100人阅读|39次下载 PRQA_计算机软件及应用_IT/计算机_专业资料。这是C/C++代码规则

The top 10 competitors in PRQA's competitive set are GrammaTech, Parasoft, LDRA, Coverity, Klocwork, EZ Source, Synopsys, AVI, Lunarline and Aras. Together they have raised over 151.1M between their estimated 16.0K employees. PRQA's revenue is the ranked 8th among it's top 10 competitors. The top 10 competitors average 339.4M.

Yet, PRQA plugin tries to run the checks. Problem is, QAC/QAC++ project file are notoriously not portable, so my build scripts generate them during build. Since build steps failed, project file is not generated, and QAC++ check fails. Expected: PRQA check is not executed if previous jenkins job steps failed and build result will be failed anyway.

C/C++代码静态分析工具调研 - LiuYanYGZ - 博客园 2019-10-24 · 数据越界,Sprintf_S越界共1类subid检查 内存泄漏,分配和释放不匹配同1类subid检查 逻辑错误,重复的代码分支,bool类型和INT进行比较,表达式永远True或者false等共18类检查 可疑代码检查,if判断中含有可疑的=号,自由变量返回局部变量等共计15类检查 Errors and Warnings Reference Guide: List of the armcc 2016-6-22 · 500: extra parameter of postfix \"operator%s\" must be of type \"int\" 501: an operator name must be declared as a function 502: operator name is not allowed 503: cannot be specialized in the current scope 504: nonstandard form for taking the address of a member function [JENKINS-48939] PRQA Plugin is affected by JEP-200 in