Towards Efficient Traffic-analysis Resistant Anonymity …
Figure 1: Tarzan network model. In relation to node X, ad-versarial machines can control address spaces and can spoof virtual nodes within corrupted domains. 4. Performance: Tarzan should maximize the performance of tunnel transmission, subject to our anonymity requirements, to make Tarzan a viable IP-level communication channel. 5. Tarzan provides anonymity to either clients or servers, without requiring that both participate. In both cases, Tarzan uses a network address translator (NAT) to bridge between Tarzan hosts and oblivious Internet hosts. Measurements show that Tarzan imposes minimal overhead over a corresponding non-anonymous overlay route. Tarzan [14] is the first network that used peers as mixes to provide anonymity for its users. The biggest problem with Tarzan is ignoring the dynamic nature of P2P environment, which leads to some Tarzan [7] is an IPlayer anonymizing network with similar goals as onion routing, which are different from ANON's primary goal of providing address anonymity for target servers. Tarzan uses a peer
Figure 1: Tarzan network model. In relation to node X, ad-versarial machines can control address spaces and can spoof virtual nodes within corrupted domains. 4. Performance: Tarzan should maximize the performance of tunnel transmission, subject to our anonymity requirements, to make Tarzan a viable IP-level communication channel. 5.
anonymity using a well known distortion rate optimization in information theory. The tradeoff between overall network latency and anonymity in the network is characterized for centralized and decentralized scheduling strategies. yThis work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation Tarzan achieves these properties by building anonymous IP tunnels between an open-ended set of peers. Tarzan can provide anonymity to existing applications, such as web browsing and file sharing, without change to those applications. Performance tests show that Tarzan imposes minimal overhead over a corresponding non-anonymous overlay route.
network routing element to construct anonymizing networks such as Onion Routing [2], Tor [3], Tarzan [4], or Freedom [5]. The mix network provides good anonymity for high-latency communications by routing network traffic through a number of nodes with random delay and random routes. However, emerging
Presentation on: Tarzan: A Peer-to-Peer Anonymizing