android中如何获取activity中的view? - 知乎

The Android developer documentation explains how to specify an intent in the argument to the am command. In your case you want -a to specify the action, -d to specify the data URI, and --ez to specify a Boolean extra. You can find the action name by looking up Intent.ACTION_VIEW in the documentation. Putting all of that together, you get:- Jul 23, 2020 · Posted by Jeremy Woods, Software Engineer, Android UI Toolkit . The latest versions of the Jetpack Navigation library (2.2.0 and 2.3.0) added a lot of requested features and functionality, including dynamic navigation, navigation back stack entries, a library for navigation testing, additional features for deep linking, and more. Dec 01, 2013 · A1: Send Intent [ Action Cat:None Mime Type: Data: Extra:EXTRA_AVAILABILITY:AVAILABLE Extra: Package: Class: Target:Broadcast Receiver ] Selection of intents to be used with Tasker for the application Daily Roads Voyager Dec 07, 2013 · xda-developers Android Development and Hacking Android Apps and Games [GUIDE] Tasker - Send Intent action by badhri XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality. View data (android.intent.action.VIEW) View data on remote machine (org.openintents.remote.intent.action.VIEW) View file directory (android.intent.action.VIEW) Web Intents "Discover" protocol (org.openintents.DISCOVER) Read also Google’s documentation about common intents. Service intents. Broadcast Intents. Add icon to home screen

2020-6-10 · AlarmClock; BlockedNumberContract; BlockedNumberContract.BlockedNumbers; Browser; CalendarContract; CalendarContract.Attendees; CalendarContract.CalendarAlerts

Android-Intent-Intent Filter篇 - 知乎 2018-9-26 · Intent简介 Android中提供了Intent机制来协助应用间的交互与通讯,Intent负责对应用中一次操作的动作、动作涉及数据、附加数据进行描述,Android则根据此Intent的描述,负责找到对应的组件,将 Intent传递给调用的组件,并完成组件的调用。

How to open a browser in android using Intent.ACTION_VIEW

Android实现拨打电话功能 2020-7-23 · 借助于 Intent 可以轻松实现拨打电话的应用程序。只需声明一个拨号的 Intent 对象,并使用 startActivity() 方法启动即可。 创建 Intent 对象的代码为 Intent intent = new Intent(action,uri),其中 URI 是要拨叫的号码数据,通过 Uri.parse() 方法把“tel:1234”格式的字符串 Android Intents - Tutorial Intents are asynchronous messages which allow application components to request functionality from other Android components. Intents allow you to interact with components from the same applications as well as with components contributed by other applications. For example, an activity can start an external activity for taking a picture. intent_百度百科